Sunday, November 29, 2009

Shabby tree? Nahhhh, but plenty chic.

Back when we were still living on the mainland I was an antiques and vintage collector/dealer.

We found this tree in a store in Alabama and it quickly became on of my favorite pieces. These were popular ceramic makes back in the 70's but I have never seen one with this incredible shape. This one stands 34" tall. Isn't it a wonderful shabby piece?


Storybook Cottage

This is my little 1:48 scale Storybook Cottage made from a kit by Suzanne and Andrew's Mininatures. This kit was certainly a lot of fun and it is oh so pretty!

Most of the major furnishings have been completed although a pair of chairs have gone missing and will have to be replaced.

I am looking forward to getting back to this project and landscaping the grounds!
