Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hello, checking in

Welcome everyone! What a nice surprise to have so many new followers. Please excuse me for being absent for so long. It has been a long six weeks trudging through all of the moving boxes along with having to replace or fix every mechanical system in this 'new' house.

I have been keeping tick marks for each of the boxes with miniatures in them. If you would like to take a guess at how many miniatures boxes I unpack you can read about the contest here.  There are still some boxes yet to arrive from Hawaii so the final count is still yet to come.

My camera was left back in Hawaii but when it arrives I will have some photos of  miniatures to share with you all. I am still hoping the roof to one of my houses shows up somehow.....


Sandra said...

It's been a long time since you posted, I miss 'hearing' from you - how are you going with your unpacking? Are you still allergic to the roofing on your lovely dollhouse? Have you settled in yet? How is your gorgeous neice growing?
Hugs, Sandie (Snippets from my Studio)

Sandra said...

ooops - that should have been granddaughter! You look far too young!